Pinwheel Sweater Along
A knitterly get together for anyone knitting Shelley Mackie's pinwheel sweater. Are you in? E-mail me to join ;0)
Monday, March 24, 2008
Friday, February 23, 2007
Got Yarn?
Not sure if anyone is out there anymore but I thought I'd post just in case!
Well, I finally received my yarn for the pinwheel sweater. After I decided that I had to make this sweater (tho - there was little deciding...the sweater had control all along!) I had to wait about four months before I could get a colour card from Then when I had chosen my colours I had to wait another four months or so before they were all in stock again. My colour choices changed a bit in that time and I'm so enamored with them in person I can't even tell you!
I'm afraid to open the bag because then I'd have to start right away. Not that I don't want to make this sweater, as I said in my blog ages ago - I have to make this sweater. However, I started another sweater this year and I must, must, must finish it before I venture into another substantial project.
Friday, November 24, 2006
{cross-posted from my blog}
I finished it! I finished it! I pulled it out of its hiding place, found some needles, grafted, cursed, grafted again, knit some, grafted, cursed, searched the house for more yarn, unravelled part of the first sleeve to salvage enough yarn to finish the second one, soaked, blocked and admired my lovely pinwheel ;0)

Isn't she beautiful? I started her this summer and then put her aside during those dark days of early pregnancy when knitting made me nauseous. When I picked her up again, the sleeves tested my patience (I knit them upside down!) and I buried the whole thing in a grocery bag at the bottom of Julian's diaper bag. I dug it out this week in an effort to come clean about all the projects that were still unfinished and it was worth it! Here's a picture of the back...

Looking at it in all of it's blocked beauty I can't help but wonder why I almost gave up on it in the first place.
Loving it ;0)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Finished Pinwheel

I finished my pinwheel sweater! I made mine out of bizarre yarns, lots of mohair, silk, eyelash yarns. You can see more photos on my blog
:-) G
Sunday, September 03, 2006
loopy edge !
After much thought, I decided that I would follow the pattern and do the loopy edge. Then I had to decide which colors to use!

Monday, August 28, 2006
Pinwheel Progress
I'm almost done with my pinwheel; about a dozen more rounds. I can't wait! Grrr, for some reason I can't get my photos to load here; but they're over on my blog if you want to take a peek.
I don't have the body part spread out completely; still on the needles. The second photo shows the sleeve folded over the body. I went ahead and made the sleeves to make sure I wouldn't run out of certain yarns early.
:-) G
Sunday, August 20, 2006

I've been thinking about the edge. I was wondering what it would look like if instead of the loopy edge, if I did a ruffle edge. What do you think? I still have awhile to think about it...

Thursday, August 10, 2006
New to KAL but already making Pinwheel.
Hi, I'm new to the KAL but have been knitting the pinwheel for a while now. Well, sort of. I'm using the same pattern but totally different yarns; a mixture of silk, mohair, and funky yarns. Sort of like a large flower of sorts. You can see pix of my pinwheel on my blog at I was at round 40 when the pictures were taken.
I'm about to start the armholes, still trying to figure out why provisional cast on. I think it's so that you have all raw stitches to start knitting the sleeve in the round?
I'm thinking I might modify the sleeve opening; instead of a straight slit, maybe make it a bit round. Like 28 sts across by 4 rows? Has anyone tried this?
:-) Jill
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Jayden with Kate and Grandma too ...
Wearing the Pinwheel just for you.

It's still warm out and I didn't want her to get uncomfortable with a wool sweater on, so we quickly took as many pictures we could before she started squirming. She really loved Kate ... and made faces when she tried chewing on her and found out she was wool & not rubber, LOL. So here's just a few more pictures ...